Monday, December 16, 2024
Ham Clock
Allstar Link 3
Monday, October 14, 2024
SSTV from the ISS
I'm currently in one of the desert communities of the Northern Territory, amongst people who have one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world. Yes, I am a foreigner on their land, but they have made me feel very welcome. It is from here that I managed to receive a SSTV image from the ISS. My trusty ID-51 did the job nicely.
I found this very strange as the hi-tech space-age manned satellite beacon out its message across an ancient land, whilst I was there living amongst an ancient cultural group. It can really do your head in as these two, seemingly incompatible, worlds collide (not literally). What a great space to be in!
For a brief moment in time the closest Amateur Station to me was 400km straight-up. Fact Check, I found that VK6PCB was in Halls Creek (only about 300km away).
'Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.'
(Konstantin Tsiolkovsky)
Friday, October 11, 2024
SSB and CESSB from a QMX+
What is CESSB, I hear you ask. Wiki has the simple answer. CESSB (controlled-envelope single-sideband) is a narrowband modulation method using a single sideband, whose peak envelope level is controlled so that the peak-to-average power ratio of CESSB is much reduced compared to standard SSB modulation and offers improved effective range over standard SSB modulation while simultaneously retaining backwards compatibility with standard SSB radios.
See also David L. Hershberger, W9GR's paper here: -
Hans, from QRP Labs, is getting very close to releasing firmware that will add (CE)SSB to the QMX and the QMX+. These are amazing QRP radios in a small form-factor, and getting better with each software release.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Learning CW in the 21st Century
As mentioned in a previous post, I'm wanting to get my CW up to a reasonable level, for actual on-air use.
When I first went for my ‘Full Call’ in the late 80s, I was greatly indebted to Rod (VK6BRH) (now SK) who ran CW practice sessions on one of the local Perth repeaters. Each week I would tune in and Rod would send CW at various speeds. A group of us (with Limited Z or Novice Calls) would report in and share our progress (or lack thereof). But that was then, and this is now!
Today we have the interweb thingy and that has changed almost everything, including how to learn CW. There are several Web based sites that seek to assist in receiving, and the one recommended to me is called ‘Morse Code World’’, its URL is simply: - .
On this screen you can set the characters you
wish to work on and some other settings. further down thee page you can set the character speed etc...
This site is great for practicing receiving, (as are a number of other tools and phone apps).
To practice sending there wasn't much around, at least not until fairly recently. On doing a web search a few weeks back I found two sites that are setup for two-way CW conversations over the net. The first is called VBand (Virtual CW Band) it can be found at The second site is called Vail and is at However, I'll just mention VBand for now.
VBand has a several channels on which you can conduct QSOs with other on over the net. The Practice Channel does not TX over the net but only decodes locally. You can however conduct a QSO with a bot.You can turn the bot on in the settings tab, (where you can also set the speed and tone, etc). Then you simply call CQ or send something to activate it. QSOBot will respond and attempt to carry out a standard QSO.
It is at this point that you will be asking the question, ‘how do I connect my key or paddle to the computer’. Fair question.
Firstly, if you are using a smart phone, tablet or iPad you can enable the ‘Touch Pad’ option. (This option is available on both the VBand and Vail sites.) However, I would recommend using a real key or paddle and then interface these to the computer.
There are adapters that you can buy from eBay and several other online outlets, but I also found some code to make my own. All that is required is an Arduino or something similar. I had an AtTiny85 in stock and with a bit of modification to the code, I had it up and running in no time. The AtTiny85, once programmed, simply acts like an external keyboard, that sends a ‘[‘ for a Dit and a ‘]’ for a Dah. The paddle (or key) can be connected directly to the board, with no other components required!
Well, that's a short introduction to my latest project and challenge. Maybe we will see you on-air or maybe on the net.
73 de VK8MT
Links to Internet CW repeaters and Code
- MorsePaddle2USB Arduino code for key or paddle interface
- AtTinyKeyer Arduino code for key or paddle interface
Note: I mashed the two lots of code together to create my own.