Saturday, February 29, 2020

SM1000 Software Update V.3

There have been some great strides forward with the software development for the SM1000.  Version 2 introduced the ability to switch between 1600 and 700D modes, however the menu system had a bug in the code, and did not work as intended. Version 3 has fixed that.  Now the start-up mode can be defined and other settings (such as Morse speed) can be set as desired.

I haven't tested it on-air but it looks to be doing all the right things on the test-bench.

Thanks to all concerned.

Holding down SELECT puts you in menu mode. The POWER LED will now flash to indicate this. To navigate, press the SELECT and BACK buttons momentarily to move up and down in the menu. Again, after a pause the item will be read out. Holding SELECT or BACK either chooses the option, or backs out.

Pressing PTT while in a menu exits the entire menu tree without saving changes to flash storage.

A power cycle is required for the new setting to take affect.

The menu structure looks like this:

 -> Root menu:
        |---> "MODE": Boot-up Operating mode
        |       |---> "ANA":    Analogue mode
        |       |---> "1600":   FreeDV 1600
        |       '---> "700D":   FreeDV 700D
        |---> "TOT": Time-out timer
        |       |---> "TIME":   Total time-out period (0 == disabled)
        |       |               0-10 minutes in 5 second steps
        |       '---> "WARN":   Warning beep period (0 == disabled)
        |                       0-${TIME} seconds in 5 second steps
        '---> "UI": User interface options
                |---> "FREQ":   Morse frequency
                |               50-2000 Hz in 50Hz steps
                |---> "WPM":    Morse send speed (PARIS standard)
                |               5-60 WPM in 5 WPM steps
                '---> "VOL":    Menu volume
                                1-15 units.

See here for more details

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Remote Base

Over the last few weeks I've been contemplating that idea of a Remote Station using my IC-7100 which is currently in the car. I bought a secondhand NUC a week ago and ordered the Icom RS-BA1 Ver.2 Software. If took less that three days to arrive and I now have it up and running on the NUC connected to my IC-7300. So far so good!

Sunday, February 09, 2020

Lazy Sunday afternoon... and a Croc

Chris and I decided to go for a walk over to the Rapid  Creek foreshore just across the road from our flat. We were all chilled as we walked down to the water's edge and then Chris spotted a croc swimming just a few metres away. We retreated rather fast and watched from a distance.

We called the ranger and waited for him to come. He tried to catch it but it headed back into the surf.  Evidently it was no major threat as it was under 2m.


Saturday, February 08, 2020

60 DXCC countries and counting!

The following ten countries have been confirmed since the 23 January 2020: -
Turkey, Israel, Mauritania, Greece Papua New Guinea, Austria, Belarus, French Polynesia, Croatia and Sardinia.  This  brings my DXCC total to 60.  All FT-8 and mostly on 17m.

 So far on LoTW I have 319 QSOs recorded and 183 QSLs recorded.

Friday, February 07, 2020

NUC (Next Unit of Computing)

I just picked up a secondhand second generation NUC with 4GB of RAM (max 16GB) and a 250GB SSD running a Core™ i5-3427U Processor. It includes a Mini PCIe Duel Band Wireless Adapter with Bluetooth.

It is intended that this becomes the beginnings of a Remote Base Station.  Although it may find other more immediate uses.