Sunday, October 28, 2018

MMDVM Jumbo Spot

Picked up a Jumbo Spot the other day, and now have it working, although there are a lot of additional things it can do, which I haven't explored as yet. All for another day.  Not sure why it's call 'Jumbo'?  It's very small!

On Fusion I'm generally connected into AU YSF001
On D-Star, try REF023-C or XLX389-D
On DMR BrandMeister Room 505005, 5056 or 5058 (via YSF2DMR bridge)

The MMDVM Spot has the ability to operate in one of four modes D-STAR, DMR, C4FM/Fusion and P25. (It may actually be more!)  And there are some reflectors/Rooms that can cross link these modes. For example VK4TUX has a system that links Room AU YSF001 (Fusion) to XLX389-D (D-Star),  along with DMR and (I think) P25. This makes it possible for Fusion, D-Star, DMR and P25 cross mode QSOs.

It's all very Cool!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

SuperMon 6.1

The Hamvoip Allstar software comes with several web interfaces pre-installed.  SuperMon is by far the best and it has just undergone an upgrade to ver. 6.1.  It's a worthwhile upgrade that provides additional clarity on the system's real-time status.  See below.

Monday, October 08, 2018

18km on the Bibbulmun Track

Chris just needed to do Pike rd to North Banister, so today was the day! The weather was ideal for hiking.

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Icom IC-9700 Pre-Release Information

Icom has now provided prerelease information on the IC-9700. Click here.

Still no hint on the price!


Whilst surfing the net I came across this interesting site:-

The site states the following:-

Imagine running your favorite Windows applications and drivers in an open-source environment you can trust. That's ReactOS. Not just an Open but also a Free operating system.

This may be worth a look!

Monday, October 01, 2018