Friday, June 14, 2019

Darwin to Kalkaringi

Chris and I travelled down to Kalkaringi on Wednesday with all but one AX25 (30m) packet getting to an iGate. See here for current HF VK8MT-15 map.

We are now (14June) about 100km south in a community called Lajamanu.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

CW Keyer

Over the last few months I have used up some parts that were taking up space, and or just not being used.  So decided to build a CW Keyer using the code provided by K3NG. This with a spare Arduino Nano and other bits in stock and it all came together nicely.

It has 5 memories and can switch between two Transceivers.

Monday, June 10, 2019

APRS from our 2017 WA - NT move

Just going through some old files and found this one.  This is all the APRS data from our trip from Katanning in WA to Darwin in the NT (Feb - March 2017).  30m AX25 worked well!

APRS Update

I have finally installed a switch to select between AX25 and MFSK16  (and a 3.5mm input).  This will make it possible to change modes on the fly. The 3.5mm input can be used for any audio/ppt options, such as an Audio WSPR source.

The box houses a 5v regulator for the GPS module and switches the audio and PPT to the radio, and the GPS data to the trackers.  The 13 pin connector from the radio provides 12v along with audio in and PPT.