The following is just an update on Joel’s setup (as used on his NT to QLD trip).
An IC-705 was used for 30m, this was set to10w (Max) and connected to a mono-band whip. Modulation came from a Windows XP laptop running APRSIS32 with the U7ZHO sound modem.
A Yaesu FT-891 was used for 40m, set at 50w and connected to a separate mono-band whip on the car, this time using a raspberry pi, with Direwolf and Xastir.
2m Satellite
An FTM-400, set to 10w and feeding a normal dual band vehicle whip, was used for the Satellite beaconing.
Given the minimal 10w on the 30m band (compared to the 50w on the 40m band), I would say that 30 metres is still the preferred band for this sort of activity (that is, if this band is available to you).
Joel obviously shares his affection between Icom and Yaesu, and also Windows and Linux!
Good on you Joel!