Wednesday, March 29, 2023

M5HamRadio - Bug fix

Armel F4HWN has developed a very nice bit of software to go with an M5Stack.  Sorry but this software only works with ICOM radios (IC705, IC-7300, IC-9700, etc).  On his github page he says this: -

The M5HamRadio project is a compilation, in one huge firmware, of my stable Ham Radio projects on M5Stack. It include 3 applications :

  •  ICSMeter (default application)
  •  ICMultiMeter
  •  DXTracker

All these applications are available for free and for all !

On a recent update I noticed a bug in the code. I sent an email to Armel, he responded very promptly and a fix was released.  My call-sign even ended up on Twitter. (I don't think I'm trending just yet!)

I'll need to post some more info on the M5Stack and this project as it is quite impressive. Watch this space!

In the meantime Andrew, VK3FS has a great write up on the M5 project HERE. Note that some information on Andrew's site is now outdated.